[Oe List ...] Sarah's Poems

coevolutionacademy at juno.com coevolutionacademy at juno.com
Fri Aug 24 07:32:11 PDT 2012

Dear Friends,
I am in ther process of preparing for two Womens' Retreats - Whispers of the Soul - the first one in Seattle on September 15 at Unity Church and the second one at Metta Wing - Conna's farm in Spencer, Oklahoma on Oct.6. I have been wishing for some poems to read about the Soul and today in the mail I received Sarah Buss's book The Other Side of Midnight! There are some perfect poems there to use in the retreats. It's a wonderful book.
Thank you Sarah!

By the way - any of you women in Seattle, we still have space in the retreat. It will be from 9:30 to 4:30 downtown (there is parking) and some wonderful women are coming! Also if you need a partial or even full scholarhsip they are available. If you think you know others who would like to come - please let them know. I have facilitated 8 or 9 Women's Retreats over the years and as many of you know - there is something wonderful that happens every time - when women gather together. And these days, we really need the feminine energy empowered in the world.

If you would like a flyer you can go to my website www.roseannesands.com or I will happy to email you one. 

Love and Peace,
Rose Anne 
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