[Oe List ...] Lists are back

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Sun Apr 22 06:51:21 PDT 2012

The oe and dialogue lists are back!

The official email addresses are:

oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net

but apparently the old addresses (without the "lists") still work.

I don't think the welcome messages with your new password went out. I 
will (temporarily) turn on the monthly password reminders, so you 
will find out your new password. I'll post more on this later. Also, 
be aware that the mailing list passwords are not very secure, so 
don't re-use the password you use for your Swiss bank account!

We are using a new host, dreamhost.com. They are an employee-owned 
company with a decidedly geeky management style. Best of all, I was 
already using them for my fractal web site, and the additional cost 
to me for hosting the wedgeblade.net wiki and the two mailing lists 
is ... nada, zilch, zero. Therefore you don't owe me diddly squat for 
this service going forward (except maybe a little of sweat equity) 

Having just taken down the (inactive) springboard list to save a 
little money, ironically enough, I now learn with the new host we can 
add mailing lists as we please! I will probably start one focussed on 
supporting our internet connectivity. I will let you know, and if 
there are other mailing list needs, speak up.

I sure there will be a few glitches, let me know how it goes. I will 
be putting up the archives of past messages later today.

Tim Wegner

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