[Dialogue] Fw: THE PRACTICE OF RETREAT Monday, October3, 6:00 pm Chicago Time

Beret Griffith beretgriffith at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 07:26:03 PDT 2022

Jim, please add Paul to the list for the study tonight..
noah.pnoah at gmail.com

On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 11:52 PM James Wiegel via Dialogue <
dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:

> We are starting into a series of Mondays looking into RECOVERING
> ABUNDANCE:  12 practices for small-town (ordinary) leaders.  You can browse
> and buy the book here
>  https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/58778793-recovering-abundance
> and it is also available on Amazon, Walmart and at Fortress Press in
> paperback and Kindle editions.
> A week ago, 15 of us gathered on Zoom to look at the Introduction (click
> here) and the overall contents of the book.  We decided to continue, with
> different people offering to guide us on different practices.  We're
> gathering at 6:00 pm (Central time) on Mondays starting on October 3.
> We'll meet via Zoom for an hour and a half or so.  Interested?  Join us.
> We'll do a bit of a reprise to get the big picture.  Then we will dive into
> Ch. 1:  The Practice of Retreat. Ruth Gilbert is our guide.  The author,
> Andy Stanton-Henry,  will be with us again.  Here is his website:  Recovering
> Abundance <https://recoveringabundance.com/>
> Recovering Abundance
> "What we need is here." -Wendell Berry
> <https://recoveringabundance.com/>
> Introduction 1  Jim Wiegel
> 6:00 PM (Central time) ( Chicago) October 3:  chapter 1: The Practice of
> Retreat 10  Ruth Gilbert
> 6:00 PM (Central time) ( Chicago) October 10:  Chapter 2: The Practice of
> Discernment 32  Martin Rafanan
> 6:00 PM (Central time) ( Chicago) October 17:  Chanter 3: The Practice of
> Stability 56  Ronnie Seagren, Jim Wiegel
> 6:00 PM (Central time) ( Chicago) October 24:  Chapter 4: The Practice of
> Inventory 77 Sharon Fisher
> Chapter 5: The Practice of Imagination 97
> Chapter 6: The Practice of Organizing 118
> Chapter 7: The Practice of Hospitality 137
> Chapter 8: The Practice of Grounding 159
> Chapter 9: The Practice of Gratitude 179
> Chapter 10: The Practice of Generosity 198
> Chapter 11: The Practice of Solidarity 217
> Chapter 12: The Practice of Memory 239
> Here is the Zoom link for Monday, October 3 6 pm Chicago time
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85869452796?pwd=VGU4SVpGVXBwbUlJNVdYVkxPTmxPUT09
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85869452796?pwd%3DVGU4SVpGVXBwbUlJNVdYVkxPTmxPUT09&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw1iWYO09lzdJ6BTr0avMpda>
> A few excerpts from this first chapter:
> Come with my by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.  Mark 6:31
> Have you ever been so caught up in "coming and going" that you didn't have
> "leisure even to eat"?
> Sometimes, though, our weariness has nothing to do with manual labor.  It
> has to do with the emotional labor . . .Ordinary leaders have all manner of
> "lavbors of love" that occupy their minds, break their harts and demand
> their energy.
> C. S. Lewis observed in the first half of the twentieth century that "we
> live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence and private: and
> therefore starved for meditation and true friendship.  Still very true.
> Jim Wiegel <http://partnersinparticipation.com/?page_id=123>
> The unknown is what is.  And to be frightened of it is what sends
> everybody scurrying around chasing dreams, illusions, wars, peace, love,
> hate, all that.  Unknown is what is.  Accept that it's unknown, and it's
> plain sailing.    John Lennon
> 401 North Beverly Way, Tolleson, Arizona 85353
> 623-363-3277
> jfwiegel at yahoo.com <marilyn.oyler at gmail.com>
> www.partnersinparticipation.com
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