[Dialogue] Heidi Holmes

Janet Sanders janetasanders at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 4 16:50:04 PST 2019

Dear Duncan and Rachel,
My heart reaches out to you all.  You have been with her so lovingly as she made this transition.  Heidi was a special women who could laugh, cry or roll-up her sleeves with you.  We are all richer for having her in our lives.  Blessings, Jan

Janet A. Sanders

From: Dialogue <dialogue-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net> on behalf of Dharmalingam Vinasithamby via Dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Sent: December 4, 2019 4:52 PM
To: Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>; jstanfieldica via Dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Cc: Dharmalingam Vinasithamby <dvinasithamby at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Dialogue] Heidi Holmes

Thank you for letting us know. My condolences to Rachel and Duncan. I remember working with Heidi and Duncan in the Hyderabad House when Rachel was born.


On Thursday, 5 December 2019, 05:42:31 GMT+8, jstanfieldica via Dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

Heidi Holmes died at 3:05pm today in a hospice where she has been for the last few weeks.  Rachel and Duncan were by her bed.

We celebrate her completed life.


Jeanette Stanfield

For the family
Sent from my Bell Samsung device over Canada's largest network.

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