[Dialogue] from Cynthia Vance

mirjah at aol.com mirjah at aol.com
Sun Sep 9 12:19:21 PDT 2018

Dear Cynthia,
I hope this messagefinds you well after saying farewell to your beloved Bob and our cherishedcolleague and friend. Sam and I have been reflecting on the unexpected news ofhis passing; reading the touching remembrances from across the world; andreflecting with deep gratitude for the Bob's life and the privilege of knowinghim. With apologies for the delay we send you greetings of support, heartfeltcondolences and very warm hugs.
Birthing theInternational Association of Facilitators was the most unforgettablepartnership venture with you and Bob. He was an instrumental leader in thehandful of years leading up to the official formation of the association. Itwas a gigantic team effort with Bob playing a unique role as a steady andeffective spokesperson for the underlying intents of the organization. AfterJim Troxel called interested ICA colleagues to Dallas to explore the idea ofpromoting the role of facilitation, Bob served as articulator-in-chief for theemerging consensus with his compelling logic and personable messaging: The organizedentity would not be an ICA alumni group but a resource for practitioners fromall backgrounds and walks of life that believed in the values of participatoryengagement and adhered to a related code of ethics.  As the first Chair,he led the board (then called the ACT, the Association Coordinating Team) incollaboratively launching a dynamic, self-sustaining professional networkworldwide. 
Bob was also an exemplaras a Renaissance Man in league with a Renaissance Woman. Thankyou for inspiring us with your diverse interests, infectious joy,priceless humor, enduring activism on behalf of the planet and appreciation forthe arts and the natural world. 
Cynthia, may showers ofblessings propel and support you in the days, months and years ahead. We lookforward to connecting virtually and perhaps even in person too!
Take care,
Mirja andSam  

       Task Force Meeting - Chicago 1999

      Minneapolis Meeting at Wilder Forest
           (Bob in the corner)

-----Original Message-----
From: Cynthia Vance via Dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net>
To: dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Cc: Cynthia Vance <facilitationfla at aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Aug 15, 2018 4:30 am
Subject: [Dialogue] from Cynthia Vance

DearFriends and Colleagues,


My dearBob passed away today, Monday, August 13.


On July11 I enrolled him in Hospice at Home, due to his increasing symptoms from (possibly)Lewy Body dementia and I cared for him since then.  Last Sunday morning heawoke with extreme difficulties. The Hospice nurse came and felt he probably hada 'neurological event' the Saturday evening before, perhaps whilesleeping.  She took him to the Venice Hospice House at 6pm thatnight.  


Ivisited him 90 minutes later. He was very calm but not very responsive. I sharedmy reflections as I showed him 4 photos -- his parents, his brothers Neil andDenny, our doxies Star and Matilda and finally Bob and me. I also read twopoems I had written (about the dogs!) and a love letter highlighting andthanking him for the special times we shared as a team in our community service/civilrights efforts, followed by our strategic planning consulting, and finally in ourvarious nature adventures.  We had had these discussions before and had agreedthat history had given us a fine ride! – and that hopefully we made the world alittle better.  He died peacefully 5hours later, 1:30 am, early Monday morning. 


I’mgrateful for the wonderful life and marriage we had.  I could ask for nomore. Our home was one of peace, love, respect, creative planning and always inanticipation of our next birding or butterflying adventure.  He was always kind to others and was aterrific partner in our life work together!  


Manyof you, our colleagues over the years, wrote letters to him or telephoned himin the past 10 days.  He was so pleased to hear from you and I’m gratefulthat you reached out to us.  You shared your appreciation of his life andbrought us great joy.


Mysister, Cecily, has been with me for 2 days and as an R.N. has given meguidance during this journey. Other friends locally have compassionatelyreached out to me.


Bobhas donated his brain to the University of Miami Brain Endowment Bank to bothconfirm (or not) the diagnosis and to contribute to their research.  We will be spreading his ashes in ourButterfly Garden and the Gulf of Mexico where he proudly completed 990 SCUBA dives to collect hundreds ofvertebrate fossils. 


Grace and Peace,



facilitationfla at aol.com




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