[Dialogue] small essay (a search for contradictions)

James Wiegel via Dialogue dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net
Fri May 6 11:44:37 PDT 2016

I wonder how much of this is really due to illusions about the effectiveness of communication by speeches, excerpts of speeches, sound bites, etc. . . . 
anyway thanks for the thinking Jim Wiegel  
“If you want an adventure . . . what a time to be alive!”. Joanna Macy
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      From: David Dunn via Dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net>
 To: ICA Dialogue Listserv <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net> 
 Sent: Friday, May 6, 2016 10:48 AM
 Subject: [Dialogue] small essay (a search for contradictions)
Also, in the continual search for economy of thought and writing:
The Totalitarianism of Mediocracy
Political totalitarianism has been at work in America for many years. While its signs are widely noticed, it has not been clearly named. It is a totalitarianism of mediocracy. These are self-defeating bad habits. They tyrannize us all because they pull the wool over our eyes, convince us that we are powerless, and rehearse that we are surrounded by enemies who will victimize us. These are “worst practices” that show up in many subtle and not-subtle forms.
The posturing of duplicity: saying one thing (“I’m for ‘hard working Americans,’ the ‘poor’) while doing another (underfunding health care, education, environmental protection, infrastructure maintenance, research and development perpetuates a permanent underclass)
The credentials of wealth and celebrity: using personal or corporate wealth to buy into a political process (from lobbyists to presidential candidates) and asserting political leadership without the requisite life experience and emotional intelligence
The tyranny of the minority: retreat behind a facade of ideological purity to stone wall the analysis of root causes and negotiation of constructive solutions
The politics of assertion: planting images of reality merely by asserting what is objectively false or remains unproven (associating Ted Cruz’s father with the JFK assassination or claiming that a minimum wage will bankrupt business)
The bogeyman of big: the mantra that “Big Government” is inherently bad cripples citizens’ and society’s capacity work powerfully and effectively together.
The folly of blaming: all forms of scapegoating ignore that fact that all levels of society, from families to nations, are complex interdependent systems, all of whose members must work in harmony and balance for the benefit of everyone. Ignoring anyone harms everyone.
This litany of illusions stymies our society and a political system that is arguably a master perpetuator of illusion. In consequence, it is closer to the truth to say that we are failing as a society to embody our nation’s foundational values: the inalienable right of everyone to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Political systems and government structures based on illusions can not be other than mediocre. They will constantly fail to measure up to our expectations that they serve the common good. It seems clear today that the first three marks of an adequate candidate for political office are a demonstrated habit of speaking truthfully, a willingness to spot and name illusions, and skills in collaborating in sound governance that benefits everyone.
A small essay by David Dunn

…with regards to all. dd


David Dunn740 S Alton Way 9BDenver, CO 80247720-314-5991dmdunn1 at gmail.com

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