[Dialogue] Gordon Harper's impact on Taiwan

Evelyn Philbrook via Dialogue dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net
Sat Sep 5 06:44:20 PDT 2015

Dear Gordon,

I remember the first week I was in Taipei in 1991, April. Gordon was 
there and I hear the strange whine and buzz sound in the morning of what 
I found out was the internet connection. We had that sound in Manila, 
and KL too, but not so regularly heard each day at the same time marking 
the day. There was the faint smell of sweet pipe smoke lingering on 
everything in your office. There was later to be a scale which, when you 
join weight watchers, helps you figure out how much you can eat, which I 
still have today. Peter Hu would rise every morning and go to the roof 
and do his exercises like a military man, even though he was a a former 
journalist and knew who most all of the people in town were, or could 
find out and spoke clear English. He ate raw vegetables he cut and 
placed in a bag in the frig that he ate each morning. There was a radio 
newscast on ICRT, "Shape the Future" or something, where Gordon's 
melodious voice could be heard daily with a quote for the day and a 
reflection on how business and leadership could relate to what was 
happening in the world and in their lives. There were books written by 
our famous author in residence, who would often on the street be asked 
for an autograph in a Chinese translated book.

Larry came to a Global ICA conference in 1990 to Taiwan.  It was held at 
the International Jiantan Youth Hostel across the street from the Grand 
Hotel and the multitude of morning exercising marshall artists on the 
mountain near the bridge and river. After that, Larry and Evelyn and 
Dick and Gail came to Taiwan in 1991... who knew how this set up a 
climate of new adventures...remember the 20th Anniversary of ICA video 
you created before you left?

Thank you Gordon. Fenton's were still here. Vicky and Ben and a host of 
many others...

A fleeting memory of things gone by which are still emerging...

Evelyn Kurihara Philbrook
Institute of Cultural Affairs: Taiwan

Facilitator and Social Artist
3Fl, #12, Lane 5, Tien Mu West Road
Taipei, Taiwan 11156

email:joyful52 at gmail.com   orjoyful at icatw.com
skype: joyfuleakp
Cell: 886926682821

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