[Dialogue] Fwd: GMCA June 10-12

David Zahrt via Dialogue dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net
Tue Jun 17 07:21:55 PDT 2014

Dear Climate March Friends,

*Tue Jun 10*—There seemed to be no rush in the morning; an 11-mile walk
into Colorado Springs.  The trucks left the RV Park for Colorado Springs
College, where we left the solar trailer.  We took the Gear truck to
America the Beautiful Park where the Marchers would meet at 4:30 to pick up
their banners and posters to prepare for the Rally.  Later I took the Gear
truck to Acacia Park so the Marchers would be able to load their equipment
when the Rally was over, and caught a ride back to America the Beautiful
Park for the 1-mile march procession.  At 5:30 we marched with
approximately 50 residents who joined us. There were additional local
residents that joined us at Acacia Park. The master of ceremonies was a
local journalist. The Gypsy Band played several numbers to convene the
presentations. The presentations were outstanding—Unitarian pastor; civil
servant at local military base establishing renewable energy resources;
Sierra Club—to name a few. During the presentations a thundershower
sprinkled rain on us. It didn’t last but it got us wet!

When the presentations ended the crowd made its way ½ mile to the Unitarian
Church for a Potluck dinner. The dining hall was full. There must have been
75-100 people. After the meal was finished we broke up into discussion
groups. Each group had a topic phrased as a question. I participated in a
group that had the topic *What Kind of New Laws *do we need?  Several of
the participants introduced the Citizens’ Climate Lobby that is promoting a
carbon tax. My suggestions were 1) $1/gallon tax on gasoline that would be
transferred to fund renewable energy resources; 2) $1 charge with refund on
aluminum cans and plastic sacks. The small groups re-convened and shared
insights and suggestions. When the meeting concluded we opened the Gear
truck and distributed personal belongings so the Marchers could go with
their home-stay host.  Once everyone had their gear I moved the truck back
to the Colorado Springs College parking lot and went home with Ian Askill,
my host.

*Wed Jun 11*—I was the only Marcher staying with Ian Askill. He lives about
6 miles from the church. Last night we didn’t get home and get settled
until 9:45 PM.  Because it was that late I chose to forego the community
breakfast at 7:30 this morning. Ian takes a 2-mile walk at 5:30 every
morning during the week and a 4-mile walk on the weekend. He’s had his
colon replaced and is keeping his hiking up for his health.  I slept in,
then got up and took a bath and did my laundry.  I discovered that Ian eats
granola and yogurt and drinks green tea! That’s my kind of breakfast!

Ian took me to a pharmacy on the way to work and I got my scripts renewed.
  Then he took me to work with him where I waited for Cliff, who was
taxiing Marchers around town.  There was a barbershop that donated free
haircuts, so I got a haircut and beard trim.  Cliff then took me to do some
errands, we had lunch, and then I was dropped off at Ian’s house. When he
got home he suggested that we go out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner.  I
had a margarita!  When we returned I packed up and got ready to depart by 7
AM tomorrow.

*Thu Jun 12* – I am getting eager to ride my bike and will as soon as we
get out of the mtns.  My bike gets banged up in the Gear truck with loading
and loading everything each day.  Today I had to do some minor work on it
while I was waiting for people to get into camp.  Reports are that we had a
successful time in Colorado Springs and even bigger rallies are planned for
Denver when we get there in a few days.
Peace, David
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