[Dialogue] Spiral as a symbol

Karenbueno karenbueno at aol.com
Sun Apr 27 15:09:40 PDT 2014


Dear friends and colleagues,

I have been reading "The Age of the Spirit" (Fox) and "The Great Emergence (Phyllis Tickle) and I have been  brooding on what we might mean by Spirit.  Then yesterday John Cock's Reflection carried the picture above.  (If this picture doesn't come through on this email, see John's Journey Reflection for April 26.)

Perhaps the spiral is an effective symbol for Spirit.  It certainly occurs time and again in nature, as does Spirit.  It starts from or goes to the depth, or both.  It can become infinitely large, or infinitely tiny.  A spiral is a picture of movement, as the wind or the breath, those traditional images of Spirit.

These are beginning stories to attach meaning to the spiral as a symbol of Spirit.  Do with this meandering as you will, or as Jaime says, you know where the delete key is.

Karen (Wright) Bueno
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