[Dialogue] Bob True, how are you & other NY-NJ colleagues?

Robert True icatrue at igc.org
Tue Nov 6 18:15:14 PST 2012

It has been quite a journey over the past week.  Lynn , Nelson, and I are
fine ­ enduring our relatively minor hardships compared to many others. When
I am asked where I live I reply, ³on the Hudson River². At the beginning of
the week I would have had to reply, ³in the Hudson river.²

The city and our office has been shut down. Many of  my staff including my
partner, have had to endure prolonged power outages, home damage,  and
isolation , that still persist at this point. Fortunately none of us has
suffered any injuries. Everywhere I go I am struck by the randomness of who
and what is sparred vs destroyed.

The finest human bonding moments for me have been standing in the line with
my gas can and visiting with my fellow survivors, endurers, and mutualists.

We have seen many examples of intelligence, respect, and practical concern
and action on the part of individuals and government officials from both
parties in response to the crisis.

Sandy has taught us to appreciate so much that we take for granted  and on
the other hand our capacity as human beings to make do and help one another.

Thanks for thinking of us.
Best Regards,

On 11/4/12 7:18 PM, "Janice Ulangca" <aulangca at stny.rr.com> wrote:

> Bob, I'm relieved to see a message from you (re Carol Pierce's memorial
> service).  How did you get through storm Sandy?  Have you been in touch with
> Tim Lush and Rebecca Nichols?
> Janice Ulangca

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