[Dialogue] Awakening the Dreamer: ICA 50 event

Ellie Stock elliestock at aol.com
Wed May 16 10:06:53 PDT 2012

Hi folks,

Greetings from St. Louis!

We're hosting an Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium in our community which will also be one of the 50 ICA events.  If anyone is in or near the area, you are invited to come!

Saturday, May 19, 8:30am-12noon
St Stephen's Episcopal Church
33 N. Clay
Ferguson, MO  63135

Over to the Ferguson Brew House for a celebration lunch afterwards.

Please see attached flyer.

Carleton and Ellie Stock
elliestock at aol.com 
(314) 521-8418

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