[Dialogue] Fall Archive Sojourn

Marge Philbrook msphilbrook at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 15:25:59 PDT 2012

Life here at 4750 is so exciting.  We have 40 college students who have
come to intern for the adventure of  the Accelerate 77 program.  They are
interviewing persons from the 77 neighborhoods in Chicago and inviting them
to participate in a Neighborhood Fair September 13th to share "approaches
that work" in creating a new environment for the city.  Oh, and several of
the ICA staff here are planning to take their kids to Nepal for the
I.C.A.I. gathering in November.  I remember being in Egypt in '96 and
cruising up the Nile with my husband.

So - In the midst of all this excitement, we want to be sure that everyone
of you considers coming to Chicago for our  Fall Archives Sojourn.  The
time is broadened to include all of the Fall.  You can share your
experience as you get involved in some of the exciting collections being
processed. Look at the attached brochure.

Feel free to call me on my cell 773 726 2400 for more information.  Marge
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